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How Did I Get This Fear?

An unreasonable or irrational fear is usually created by two events in our life.

An unreasonable or irrational fear is usually created by two events in our life.  The first event is the “initiating” event and the second is the “activating” event.  These two events can be together or can be years apart.  

Fear is designed to keep us safe.  Parents quickly instill a fear in a child when they get too close to something that can harm them.  If we touch something that cuts or burns us we immediately have a respectful fear of that item and are careful whenever we come near it again.  This is normal fear.  But in the case of an irrational fear it goes too far.  An irrational fear is not just a remembered danger, it is a subconsciously held belief that the conscious may not even be aware of.

Hypnosis is often successful in a single session for people dealing with an irrational fear.  The emotional cause of the  subconscious irrational fear is released.  This allows the intellectual assessment of the danger to be the controlling behavior instead of the emotional non-realistic subconscious thinking.

An unreasonable or irrational fear is usually created by two events in our life.
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